Directions & Usage
TURF: Apply 3-6 oz. per 1,000 ft2 every 14-28 days diluted in 2 gallons of water to ensure adequate coverage of the root zone. Water into the rootzone with overhead irrigation after application. During periods of increased environmental stress or heavy play, spray 6 oz. of BioPhase 2-0-3 WC per 1,000 ft2 to tees, greens and fairways every 14 days.
For aerification recovery, apply 6 oz./1,000 ft2 at 2 days before or after aerification. In sod establishment, apply a 5% solution every week until establishment.
When hydroseeding apply a 4% solution every week until established.
Tank mix compatible with many fertilizers and pesticides. If compatibility is uncertain, a jar test is recommended. Do not allow to sit overnight, make sure all tank-mixed product is applied on the same day when added to the sprayer.
Contact your Simplot Turf & Horticulture representative for availability.
Not Available