Directions & Usage
Use 3-8 fl.oz./1,000 ft2 (90-240 mL/93 m2 ) per week during season.
Greens & Tees: Use 3-8 fl.oz./1,000 ft2 (90-240 mL/93 m2 ) twice per month.
Fairways, Parks & General Turf: Use 3-8 fl.oz./1,000 ft2 (90-240 mL/93 m2 ) per month.
Seeding, Potted Plants, Trees, Shrubs & General Nursery: Use 1-4 quarts /100 gallons (1-4 L/380 L) of water for 4,000 ft2 (370 m2 ) of space. Depending on size, use 1-3 gallons (4-12 L) of mix per tree or shrub.
Contact your Simplot Turf & Horticulture representative for availability.
Not Available